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Trek along the Tirthan river - Great Himalayan National Park

Elements by Stephan

A women-based social enterprise in the Himalayas

This is optional heading <h3>

Always have important keywords in bold in your text. It is then easier for the reader to know what the text is about. It makes the text more attractive.

Try to avoid using Empty space between elements. Instead, you can add margins before and after the elements. This is available in the Design options tab of most of the elements. If there are no borders, margins and padding have the same effect.

The separators have that option as well. So it is easy to manage the spaces between different parts of the pages.


You can put space between 2 paragraphs with one more “Enter” to lighten the text. But do it in such a way that both columns have approx the same height.

The On this page links on the left must lead to inner page Elements ID. Make sure you add the Element ID in the page. Try to find an icon that matches with the topic of your text. Use the FontAwesome icons. You can see some of them here :

You need to alternate the colors of Turquoise, Yellow and Red.


We can arrange easy day hikes or short day treks and camping in the wild around GHNP. We also organise trekking in GHNP, the shortest of which is two days, and this will be within the Park.

Text and image with background – pic right

These are the elements for short sections where we have two columns, one with the text and one with a picture. You can alternate the two styles : Text on the right and then text on the left.

If the text is too long to fit with the height of one picture, you can continue with a second picture.

GHNP gate hike starts in Gushaini and follows a hiking trail by the Tirthan river. The trail runs through a forest and there are a few villages along the way.

After your hike to the Park gate, you can enjoy our packed lunch at a campsite by the river before returning to Gushaini. It will take three hours from Gushaini to the GHNP Gate and two hours back. It is an easy hike as the trail does not include steep slopes.

The park gate - Great Himalayan National Park

The Park Gate
An easy and beautiful hike by the riverside

Text and image with background – pic left

The park gate - Great Himalayan National Park

The Park Gate
An easy and beautiful hike by the riverside

These are the elements for short sections where we have two columns, one with the text and one with a picture. You can alternate the two styles : Text on the right and then text on the left.

If the text is too long to fit with the height of one picture, you can continue with a second picture.

GHNP gate hike starts in Gushaini and follows a hiking trail by the Tirthan river. The trail runs through a forest and there are a few villages along the way.

After your hike to the Park gate, you can enjoy our packed lunch at a campsite by the river before returning to Gushaini. It will take three hours from Gushaini to the GHNP Gate and two hours back. It is an easy hike as the trail does not include steep slopes.

Links to other pages

Trek to Tirth or Tirath in the Great Himalayan National Park
Go on trek in a world heritage site

Multi-day treks
Meet the mighty Himalayas and explore GHNP’s wilderness on our 2- to 10-day treks.

Day hikes in the Great Himalayan National Park
One day to enjoy natural jewels

Day hikes
Enjoy the Himalayan nature and quaint villages in one day with one of our day hikes.

Fixed departure treks in the Great Himalayan National Park
Don't go alone

Fixed dates departure
Join one of our group treks with fixed date departures to the GHNP.

Links to treks and tours

Trek to Rolla in the Great Himalayan National Park
A gentle introduction to the park
Duration : 2 days 0
Max Altitude : 2100 m 0
Difficulty : 23 % 0
Trek to Rangthar in the Great Himalayan National Park
A spectacular view of the park
Duration : 2 days 0
Max Altitude : 2860 m 0
Difficulty : 33 % 0
Trek to Shilt Hut in the Great Himalayan National Park
Reach a panoramic viewpoint in the Park
Duration : 3 or 4 days 0
Max Altitude : 3000 m 0
Difficulty : 35 % 0

Photos of places

Tirthan River in Himachal Pradesh

Tirthan river

You remain in the company of the Tirthan river during the entire hike.

Villages in the Tirthan valley

Himalayan village

You come across several villages showing the traditional architecture and lifestyle of Himachal.

Easy trek in the Tirthan valley

Easy hike

On the hike there will be no steeper slope than this. Just enjoy 🙂

Progress bars with HET colors

Max altitude : 2000 m 0
Ascent : 430 m 0
Time : 5 hours 0
Time : 3 to 4 hours 0
Max altitude : 3300 m 0
Ascent : 200 m 0
Time : 3 to 4 hours 0
Max altitude : 3300 m 0
Ascent : 200 m 0

Clickable map with comments

Rangthar trek map

Map of the Rangthar trek in GHNP

Rangthar trek itinerary in short

You need first to hire a jeep (we’ll do that for you) to go up to the village Pekhri. You have a regular and comfortable climb up to an abandoned wooden house where you may have your lunch. Then it is a steep half an hour’s climb to the village Lakcha. From Lakcha you continue on a good trail up to Rangthar.

Best time to go






You may go


Good to go


Best time to go


Best time to go


You may go




You may go


Best time to go


Best time to go


You may go









You may go



Good to go



Best time to go



Best time to go



You may go






You may go



Best time to go



Best time to go



You may go

Video links

Name of the video
Short description of the video.

Name of the video
Short description of the video.

Name of the video
Short description of the video.



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Section title

From Heart

Amazing City

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte ipiscing elit. Aenean ct dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean.

Bullet and numbered lists

This is a text block to get different kind of lists. This is a text block to get different kind of lists This is a text block to get different kind of lists: This is a text block to get different kind of lists This is a text block to get different kind of lists :

  • List item 1 List item 1 List item 1 List item 1 List item 1 List item 1 List item 1 List item 1
  • List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2 List item 2
  • list item 3
  • List item 4

This is a text block to get different kind of lists. This is a text block to get different kind of lists This is a text block to get different kind of lists: This is a text block to get different kind of lists This is a text block to get different kind of lists :

  1. Numbered List item 1 Numbered List item 1 Numbered List item 1 Numbered List item 1 Numbered List item 1 Numbered List item 1
  2. Numbered List item 2
  3. Numbered List item 3

Call to action

Contact us for booking of the Rangthar trek

The park gate - Great Himalayan National Park

The Park Gate
An easy and beautiful hike by the riverside

The park gate - Great Himalayan National Park

The Park Gate
An easy and beautiful hike by the riverside

The park gate - Great Himalayan National Park

The Park Gate
An easy and beautiful hike by the riverside


To get the vertical separator, you just need to set the border to 1 px in the middle column. To get the vertical separator, you just need to set the border to 1 px in the middle column. To get the vertical separator, you just need to set the border to 1 px in the middle column.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


Common name
Common name Scientific name
Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur
Brown bear Ursus arctos
Himalayan Tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus
Snow leopard Uncia uncia
Musk dear Moschus chrysogaster
Himalayan Ghoral Naemorhedus goral
Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus
Common name
Common name Scientific name
Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur
Brown bear Ursus arctos
Himalayan Tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus
Snow leopard Uncia uncia
Musk dear Moschus chrysogaster
Himalayan Ghoral Naemorhedus goral
Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus
Common name
Common name Scientific name
Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur
Brown bear Ursus arctos
Himalayan Tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus
Snow leopard Uncia uncia
Musk dear Moschus chrysogaster
Himalayan Ghoral Naemorhedus goral
Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus
Common name
Common name Scientific name
Blue sheep Pseudois nayaur
Brown bear Ursus arctos
Himalayan Tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus
Snow leopard Uncia uncia
Musk dear Moschus chrysogaster
Himalayan Ghoral Naemorhedus goral
Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus

Accordions with text and picture on the left

Tso Moriri lake, Ladakh

Difficult to say which lake stands number one in the list.

How to Visit Pangong Lake in Ladakh ?

Tso Moriri is located in a plateau at 220 km from Leh. It will take around 6 hours to reach via Chumathang where you can visit a monastery.

Pangong Lake weather

Woe facilisis arbauitoc moderatius id. Uis ei rationibus definiebas, eu qui purto zril laoreet. Ae arror omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te tidens qloriatur temporibus qui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus aget.

Pangong Lake altitude

Tso Moriri Lake, officially named as Tso-moriri Wetland Conservation Reserve is located in the Changthang Wetlands at an altitude of 4,595 m (15,075 ft).

Tso Moriri Lake, or Mountain Lake, is another high-altitude saltwater lake and a Ramsar site. Like Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri, which is fed by meltwater and springs, freezes over in winter. The wetland attracts migratory birds and is known for endemic species such as bharal, kiang, and marmot. The lake is located close to the Korzok Monastery.

Accordions with text and picture on the right

How to Visit Pangong Lake in Ladakh ?

Tso Moriri is located in a plateau at 220 km from Leh. It will take around 6 hours to reach via Chumathang where you can visit a monastery.

Pangong Lake weather

Woe facilisis arbauitoc moderatius id. Uis ei rationibus definiebas, eu qui purto zril laoreet. Ae arror omnium interpretaris pro, alia illum ea vim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te tidens qloriatur temporibus qui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus aget.

Pangong Lake altitude

Tso Moriri Lake, officially named as Tso-moriri Wetland Conservation Reserve is located in the Changthang Wetlands at an altitude of 4,595 m (15,075 ft).

Tso Moriri Lake, or Mountain Lake, is another high-altitude saltwater lake and a Ramsar site. Like Pangong Lake, Tso Moriri, which is fed by meltwater and springs, freezes over in winter. The wetland attracts migratory birds and is known for endemic species such as bharal, kiang, and marmot. The lake is located close to the Korzok Monastery.

Tso Moriri lake, Ladakh

Difficult to say which lake stands number one in the list.

Plan The

Perfect Holiday

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aene an commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis the

Genuine travel experiences with a social enterprise

Get a fair idea of the geography of Ladakh

How to reach, acclimatization, permits, etc.

Climate of Ladakh, best time to go

On a tour : by car, on a motorcycle, on foot ?

While on a tour, during a trek, in a monastery ?

Festivals, monasteries, spirituality, folklore

Zanskar, Nubra valley, Changthang plateau

Trek & travel

With a award-winning social enterprise

Our cooperative-based model of social enterprise and our efforts to conserve the Himalayas are the main reasons for winning these awards.
Thank you to all our cooperative members, our customers, our friends and well-wishers !

The Unforgettable


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