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Festivals of Ladakh

Festivals of Ladakh

Festivals of Ladakh

Monastery Festivals of Ladakh

The Ma Ni Dung Sgrub Festival stands out as a unique and captivating celebration. It literally translates to 100 million recitations. An important dimension of the festival are the horse races. Kyang Gyo Kyarkar is a revered horse figure in the Buddhist pantheon, believed to be a Tulku (reincarnated Lama) that serves as a loyal companion to the mythical King Gesar of Ling. The locals have many legends to narrate about the mythical king and his horse.
Read below more about the different festivals in Ladakh and their importance.

11 Best Festivals of Ladakh

We have listed the 11 best festivals of Ladakh along with the dates on which they fall. You can see the dates below and click on the links on the left to read more about the particular festival

Festivals of Ladakh 2024 and 2025

Calendar for festivals in Ladakh
Festival name Location 2024 2025
Hemis Festival Hemis Monastery 16-17 June 05-06 July
Losar Festival All of Ladakh 31 Dec 20 Dec
Korzok Gustor Festival Korzok Monastery 09-10 July 27-28 July
Sindhu Darshan Festival Shey, Indus riverbank June June
Phyang Tsedup Festival Phyang Monastery 03-04 July 22-23 July
Dosmochey Festival Leh, Diskit, Likir 07-08 Feb 26-27 Feb
Saka Dawa Festival All around Ladakh 23 May 11 June
Naro Nasjal Festival Sani Monastery, Zanskar 20-21 July 08-09 Aug
Takthok Festival Takthok Monastery 16-17 July 04-05 Aug
Matho Nagrang Festival Matho Nagrang Monastery 23-24 Feb 13-14 Feb
Ladakh Festival Leh and adjoining villages Sept Sept

Ladakhi Calendar

Tibetan Calendar Thangka

Hand-painted Thangka showing the Tibetan calendar and the astrological diagram.

Understanding the Tibetan Calendar: A Blend of Tradition and Astronomy

The Tibetan calendar, deeply rooted in Ladakh’s cultural heritage, follows a unique lunisolar system. This intricate calendar ensures harmony between lunar and solar years by incorporating a leap month every two to three years.

The 60-Year Cycle: Animal-Element Harmony

One of the Tibetan calendar’s distinctive features is its 60-year cycle, where element-animal designations recur, influencing astrological predictions and cultural practices.

Age Calculation: A Tibetan Twist

Interestingly, the Tibetan calendar’s lunar basis results in a discrepancy with the Western calendar, making a 30-year-old approximately 32 years old in Tibetan reckoning.

Diverse Calendar Traditions

Beyond the traditional lunar calendar, Tibetan Buddhism employs two additional systems: the Kalachakra solar calendar and the Elemental lunar calendar. This pluralistic approach reflects the rich cultural tapestry of the region.

Key Facts:

  • Lunisolar calendar ensuring harmony between lunar and solar years
  • 60-year cycle of element-animal designations
  • Unique age calculation system
  • Three distinct calendar systems: Traditional Lunar, Kalachakra Solar, and Elemental Lunar

Hemis Festival

When is the Hemis Festival celebrated ?

It is a 2-day festival that is usually celebrated at the beginning of the summer.

Where is the Hemis Festival celebrated ?

It is celebrated at the Hemis Monastery which is approximately 50 km from Leh.

Highlights of Hemis Festival
  • Hemis festival: A celebration of Guru Padmasambhava’s birth
  • Traditional attire and vibrant costumes
  • Rare display of precious thangkas
  • Cham dance performance: A spiritual offering to the gods
  • Tantric Buddhism and Tibetan cultural heritage

The Hemis festival , is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Guru Padmasambhava, the founder of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. Padmasambhava means ‘born from the lotus’.

During the Hemis festival, the locals dress up traditionally. You will see men wearing kamarbands and women with vibrant headgears and ample jewelry.
During the monkey year, which comes in a cycle of 12 years, the four-storeyed thangka of Guru Padmasambhava is hung in the courtyard with other precious thangkas out on display. Thangka is a Tibetan Buddhist painting on cotton/silk fabric.

You may also enjoy a Cham performance. Cham is a lively masked and costumed dance associated with Tibetan Buddhism. The Cham dance form is considered to be an offering to the gods.

Hemis Festival in Ladakh

The festival is a blend of various cultures of Central Asia, Tibetan and northern India.

Korzok Gustor Festival

Korzok Gustor Festival in Ladakh

The festival comprises mask dances, games such as camel races, regional music, etc.

When is the Korzok Gustor Festival celebrated ?

It is usually celebrated around the end of July

Where is the Korzok Gustor Festival celebrated ?

At the Korzok Monastery near the Tso Moriri lake.

Highlights of Korzok Gustor Festival
  • Nomadic Gathering
  • Black-Hat Dance
  • Dharmapalas Masks
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Spiritual Significance
  • Unique Blend of Music, Dance & Spirituality

The Chang-pa, nomadic herdsmen from the Tibetan plateau come in large numbers to this festival. The Black-Hat dance is a major highlight of the festival. The Lama dancers wear masks representing Dharmapalas who are the patron divinities of the Drukpa sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

Himalayan Ecotourism arranges everything for the travellers from A TO Z and can guarantee a fun-filled, adventurous trip to the land of high passes.

Losar Festival

When is the Losar Festival celebrated ?

The Losar festival is celebrated in the eleventh month of the Tibetan calendar, which is usually around December

Where is the Losar Festival celebrated ?

It is celebrated throughout Ladakh.

Highlights of Losar Festival
  • Tibetan New Year Celebrations
  • Vibrant Mask Dances
  • Traditional Folk Performances
  • Ancient Rituals & Ceremonies
  • Spiritual Purification & Renewal

The Losar festival , is celebrated for two to three weeks.

The first few days of the festival are most important for the locals as they make offerings to and seek the blessings of the Gods and deities.

This festival is very entertaining and sees the enactment of a lot of ancient rituals and the age-old traditions in the land of the high passes. People also visit their relatives and friends during the Losar festival celebrations.

Wall Paintings for Losar Festival Ladakh

Monasteries have the oldest surviving paintings in Ladakh.

Sindhu Darshan Festival

Masked Dance for Sindhu Festival Ladakh

Wild lion and yak dancing to music presentations.

When is the Sindhu Darshan Festival celebrated?

Sindhu Darshan is celebrated in the first week of June.

Where is the Sindhu Darshan Festival celebrated ?

On the banks of River Sindhu at Shey.

Highlights of Sindhu Darshan Festival
  • Reverence to the Indus River (Sindhu)
  • Cultural Unity & Harmony
  • Traditional Folk Music & Dance
  • Vibrant Processions & Decorations

Sindhu Darshan festival is celebrated to honor the river Indus. The Indus River which is considered to be the birthplace of Indian civilization appears in many ancient Indian texts as ‘Sindhu’.

In this three-day festival, artists from all over the country are provided a platform to showcase their unique dance performances. Senior Lamas offer prayers on the banks of the river.

Phyang Tsedup Festival

When is the Phyang Tsedup Festival celebrated ?

Usually around the second half of July.

Where is the Phyang Tsedup Festival celebrated ?

At the Phyang Monastery near Leh.

Highlights of Phyang Tsedup Festival
  • Sacred Mask Dances (Cham)
  • Vibrant Costumes & Music

The Phyang Tsedup festival , is celebrated to honor Skyoba Jigten Gombo, the founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. Jigten Gombo founded the Drikung Thil Monastery in 1179. The monastery serves as a residence for around 300 monks.

The Cham dance is performed at the celebration. Elegant thangkas including a grand one of Skyoba Jigten Gombo are displayed at the festival.

Phyang Tsedup Festival of Ladakh

Insight into the heritage and culture of the people of Ladakh.

Dosmochey Festival

Dosmochey Festival of Ladakh

The monks perform fascinating art performance at all the festivals.

When is the Dosmochey Festival celebrated?

Around the second half of Feb.

Where is the Dosmochey Festival celebrated ?

At Leh, Diskit and Likir.

Highlights of Dosmochey Festival
  • Exorcism of Evil Spirits through Rituals
  • Display of Sacred Masks & Costumes
  • Burning of Effigies (representing evil forces)
  • Traditional Fire Puja & Purification Rituals

The 2-day festival is believed to have been started by the royal families in Ladakh to ward off evil. During the festival, the Leh palace is decorated in grandeur, and monks from different monasteries perform a sacred dance.

Traditionally dressed locals and monks and colorfully decorated monasteries are the highlights of the Dosmochey Festival. Senior monks with expertise in Buddhist Tantrism burn dough idols and make thread crosses to keep away the evil forces.

Saka Dawa Festival

When is the Saka Dawa Festival celebrated ?

First half of June

Where is the Saka Dawa Festival celebrated ?

All around Ladakh

Highlights of Saka Dawa Festival
  • Commemoration of Lord Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment & Nirvana
  • Grand Mask Dances & Cultural Performances
  • Spiritual Processions & Pilgrimages
  • Auspicious Day for Vegetarianism & Compassion

Saka Dawa is the supreme festival of all Buddhists. During the festival, people take part in a procession called Bhumskor wherein they carry articles depicting the life and noble deeds of Buddha.

People engage in meditation and dharma sadhana while refraining from killing animals. The people honor and walk on the path preached by Buddha (Sakyamuni, the sage of the Sakyas)

Deity for Saka Dawa Festival of Ladakh

They represent the various aspects of our human nature.

Naro Nasjal Festival

Young monks Praying at Spituk Monastery in Ladakh

The life in a monastery is organized around the rhythm of prayers and meditations.

When is the Naro Nasjal Festival celebrated?

In the middle of the summer

Where is the Naro Nasjal Festival celebrated ?

In the Sani Monastery in Zanskar

Highlights of Naro Nasjal Festival
  • Unique Ritual of Predicting Future Events
  • Ancient Oracle Tradition & Prophecies

The festival begins with the unveiling of the statue of Yogi Naropa who is believed to have meditated at the Kanika Stupa in Sani Monastery. As a ritual offering, the Lamas of the Bardan Monastery perform masked dances.

Himalayan Ecotourism can arrange the best trip to the scenic land of barren mountains and mesmerizing lakes

Takthok Festival

When is the Takthok Festival celebrated ?

In the middle of the summer

Where is the Takthok Festival celebrated ?

In the Takthok Monastery.

Highlights of Takthok Festival
  • Celebration of Guru Padmasambhava’s Life & Teachings
  • Ancient Cave Monastery Setting
  • Stunning Himalayan Landscape Backdrop

The Takthok gompa belongs to the Nyingma order, which is the oldest of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
The Takthok monastery is where Guru Rinpoche meditated and the festival comprises dances and art forms that portray the life of Guru Rinpoche.

Takthok Festival in Takthok Monastery Ladakh

In the middle of the best Ladakh season, located in a very nice natural environment.

Matho Nagrang Festival

Matho Nagrang Festival in Ladakh

In Ladakh, the shamans or Lhamos are considered as important healers and clairvoyants.

When is the Matho Nagrang Festival celebrated?

In the month of March

Where is the Matho Nagrang Festival celebrated ?

In the Matho Nagrang Monastery, Indus valley.

Highlights of Matho Nagrang Festival
  • Oracle Dance & Prophecies
  • Matho Monastery’s Exclusive Tradition & Heritage

Matho Nagrang is a very unique festival. It is known as the festival of black oracles. Two oracles are chosen from monks who have been meditating for months and preparing themselves for this special festival. The chosen then give blessings to a large number of people gathered.

Ladakh Festival

When is the Ladakh Festival celebrated ?

In September

Where is the Ladakh Festival celebrated ?

Leh and adjoining villages

Highlights of Ladakh Festival
  • Showcase of Ladakhi Culture & Heritage
  • Colorful Costumes & Jewelry Display
  • Archery Competitions & Local Sports
  • Delicious Ladakhi Cuisine & Drinks

The name itself gives you an idea that the festival will be a platform that showcases the diverse cultures of the highland.

The festival is arranged jointly by the locals and the tourism department. Archery, Polo and various other competitions are also held during this festival. People who have come for the fest can enjoy the local barley beer called Chang.

Ladakhi food, handicrafts, folklore dances, traditional music, and the entire festival give tourists a glimpse into the lifestyle of the Ladakhis.

Ladakh Festival at Leh Palace Ladakh

Leh is the center place for celebration of this festival.

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